Synthetic Transactions Installation Instructions

Minimum Version

This DEX Pack requires SysTrack version 9.0 or higher.


  • After this DEX Pack is installed, it may take up to 24 hours for data to appear.

Import Kit

To use this DEX Pack, the corresponding Kit must be imported to SysTrack.

If you have already imported the DEX Pack directly from the Kits page, the Import Kit step is complete. You may move on to the next step.

If you are viewing this DEX Pack in the Customer Gateway, follow these steps to import this DEX Pack Kit:

  1. On the DEX Pack page, download the DEX Pack ZIP file

  2. In SysTrack, open Kits

  3. Under Local, click Select Kit File

  4. Select the DEX Pack ZIP File

Automation Framework

This DEX Pack requires the user to create and run scripts using a third-party automation framework. We recommend installing the AutoIt framework because the User Guide and SysTrack-related files were designed for AutoIt. Other similar frameworks can be used, but they may require additional configuration not covered by the User Guide.

Scripts and Helper Files

Synthetic transactions require scripts and helper files specific to your enterprise’s use cases, as well as a couple SysTrack-related files. When using AutoIt, a folder for a synthetic transaction must contain the following files:

  1. SysTrack AutoIt Function (LSITrace.au3)

  2. SysTrack Helper File (LsiTraceLib.dll)

  3. Enterprise-Specific Script(s)

  4. App-Specific Helper File(s)

The first two files can be found in the file for this DEX Pack. The other files must be created or acquired by your enterprise.

If your enterprise is using an automation framework other than AutoIt, you must create or acquire functional equivalents to the LSITrace.au3 and LsiTraceLib.dll files.

For more info on using these files, read the Creating and Running Scripts section in the Synthetic Transactions User Guide.

Synthetic Transactions Role

This DEX Pack requires you to assign the SF_Synthetic Transactions Role to the relevant Configurations:

  1. Navigate to Configure > Configurations

  2. Click the padlock icon in the upper-right to enable editing

  3. Use the drop-down at the top to select a relevant Configuration, or create a new Configuration

  4. Assign the SF_Synthetic Transactions Role to the Configuration by dragging it from Available Roles to Assigned Roles

  5. Click Save Changes at the top-right

  6. Repeat this process for any other relevant Configurations